Let me introduce myself, my name is Jenny, I'm a second year BA(hons) Contemporary Decorative Crafts student at Lincoln Uni in the UK.
Well I say second year, I just finished it and am now thinking, among other things, about the glorious summer that lies ahead, plenty of time to get on with all of those projects that have been filling my head when I'm trying to get to sleep. Projects which have been trying to tempt me away from the uni work I should have been doing in those last few frantic days.
So far the list consists of-
- Recovering a car boot sale stool
Repainting an Ikea rocking stool (small stool obsession lately!)
Making up some cushion covers
Sewing a tool roll for my jewellers files
Experimenting with shrink plastic
Trying out some designs from in my little sketch book for jewellery
Making use of the large pile of fabric sat by my sofa
Getting in some knitting practice
How much of this will get done we will see but I'm determined to have a productive break this year. I'm really excited about starting the new term in September and moving on to some new units. Here are some of the pieces I have made over the last two years at uni, I work mostly with paper and metals, exploring the relationship between the two.

Hand cast paper and copper unit chestpiece.

Knitted paper yarn and handmade copper chain necklace.

Cast cotton linter fins cuff
Sorry about the poor pics, hideous carpet in rented flat! More on my work and lists to come.