Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Folksy fun.

I've been a bit loathe to post when I don't feel like I've much to show but I think maybe I should
just do more then I can post more often!
There has been alot of planning going on of late, I decided I wanted to start a shop on Folksy when I discovered it was a UK alternative to Etsy.
The things I was thinking of selling needed to be quite simple to make so that they wouldn't take up all my summer (which is supposed to be spent doing dissertation research!). So I came to buy some shrink plastic which I remember fondly from my childhood. I had a few goes with an idea in mind of the sort of thing I wanted then I took some sheets to a friend's house and fellow blogger Tasha and co, all had a go, the results were really interesting!

Group efforts.

Original 'Temporary gems' idea.

Brooch with my signature 'Trees' design.

'Forest' necklace idea.

The 'Temporary Gems' I'm going to make a range of based on different stone cuts, they're temporary in that they're credit crunch gems and perhaps can be upgraded to the real thing in the future!

The 'Trees' are based on a pattern I made for my course and I'm going to make a range of jewellery with combinations of the sizes. I've listed a brooch on my Folksy shop to start with, there'll be more soon.

1 comment:

  1. verry sweet and graphic necklace! thankyou for your comments my way :-) have a lovely day!


Fold and Stitch Shop

Fold and Stitch Shop
Come and look what's in my Folksy shop.