Tuesday, 30 June 2009

A hard day's work!

Yesterday Tasha and I spent an afternoon requainting ourselves with our sewing machines and the fruits of our labours were a pair of sand filled door stops and a pair of big button cushions.
We laughed, we nearly cried (many stabs from needles) but we had a great time and were very happy with our slightly imperfect makes.

Here the table is set for our crafting, sewing machines fired up, wonky circles cut from the material for the cushion covers. Twenty minutes later we'd only just got sewing after a few machine malfunctions. Note the cactus pin cushion Tasha had made, it definitely got put to the test and was great!

Amid cries of 'it's got corners, why??!' we turned our covers the right way round and drew on our buttons and stuffed our cushions, I like to think the wonky lines just add to the handmade charm! The cactus got in on the photos again.

Next we attacked the door stops and stitched our inners out of a thick sack-like material. We realised afterwards that making a net for the pattern instead of individual panels would've been a lot less time consuming but the power of hindsight eh?! We both almost forgot to leave a hole to put the sand in, mine ended up down one side which wasn't very clever, then we both sat with dessert spoons stuffing the sand in.

Here is my inner sack ready to be covered next to Tasha's finished door stop, note the luxurious padded handle!

And here are the pair together, mine is on the left, covered in Amy Butler's "Martini Mustard" material from her Midwest Modern Line, bought from Isabelle and Kate's Fabrics on Folksy.

Tasha's door stop on the right is covered in a repurposed pillowcase from an Ikea duvet set, she used the duvet cover for her gigantic beanbag project. We're gradually working our way through our respective lists of things to make, I just hope we both remember to go back to uni in September!

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